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MP3-Monday - Paul McCartney

The Swinigng Erudites!

Sir Paul McCartney has a new album, and as the critics have done several times in the last several decades, they are lauding it as not as crappy as some of his previous albums. Also, it's his birthday. So to honor and celebrate him, we were going to have "Yesterday" as interpreted by Fascinatin' Fred Burnett on the steel drums. But I can't find his album in my collection! I assume one of you stole it, and am calling the police. In the meantime, here's an alternate from 1987, the parody group The Swinging Erudites with "The Paul McCartney Massacre."

Download (7.6/ 4:40)

The fine print: All downloads are provided for entertainment purposes only. VGG.COM blah blah blah blah blah blah nobody reads this blah blah blah blah ipso lorem fnord blah blah blah.

NEXT WEEK ... We celebrate the June 28, 1969, anniversary of The Stonewall Riots, a milestone in the gay rights movement. So we're going to gay up the choices, big time:

*Something off the lesbian, lesbian, lesbian, 1970s album Honor Thy Womanself - Songs of Liberation by the Arlington Street Women's Caucus. (Snicker. "Caucus" tee hee hee. "Cauc-us" tee hee hee chortle snicker snort. "CAUC-us" HA HAH HA HA HA!!! Oh dear God we're shallow.)

*"Rubber Duckie" by the very out Larry Paulette, from his 1977 album What Makes a Man a Man? Trace the "Bert & Ernie are gay" meme back several decades with the sexiest, most sensual version of this Sesame Street classic ever. Look, just vote for this one, trust me.

*And... representing the opposite side of the coin, "You Can't Live Crooked and Think Straight" by Up With People.

Use the comments button to cast your VOTE NOW!


I am saddened by such a tragic loss. One can only hope the album thieves come to learn the error of their ways. Or, it turns up behind the couch...

I agree! I must hear "Rubber Duckie"!

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