Dr. Sodas

Dr. Topper (Clover Valley)

VGG Name Bouquet Color Taste Rating
T. Mike None Brown A light slap on the tongue, then nothing. 3.0
Rob Weak Brown ...soda whore!" But before he could strike her, she fought back for the first time in her life. She... 4
Charles strange strange When I was just a child, I once saw a dog. 3
Galen Smells like my date to the Senior Prom Brown Train exhaust. 2
Alan I bet the Trix Rabbit's breath smells like this. semi-rotten bark Fruity and bitter, much like Quentin Crisp. 3
Jason Fetid rosewater Mud hut brown Sour, yet conflicted. If Ted Danson was a soda, it's this. 4

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